Sunday, May 16, 2010


If nothing else, I'll post here a favortie quote from G.K. Chesterton. This comes from a letter he wrote to his new fiancee telling her of all the things they shall do together as a married couple.

"We shall have bad things in the house and make them good things."

I LOVE this and I use it all the time. When I'm cooking food I look at the raw meat and say "You are bad, but I will make you good." Sometimes I have dust in my living room and dirt and grime in the kitchen, but those are bad things too and I make them good things.

Have a wonderful Sabbath! Jesse told me to stay in bed this morning and he's already showerd and now he's inthe kitchen making me breakfast. I love him and he loves me.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Neglected much? ......ladies!

Dear women women!

We've been neglecting this website and discussion! Of course, I've also been neglecting the book and haven't finished it yet. So that's on the to-do list.

I've been thinking about motherhood (surprise surprise) lately, so I suppose now would be a good time for me to read that chapter in the book. But first, a note!

I've noticed Nancy Wilson and her daughters' general demeanor towards motherhood and children is one full of life, full of interest in the world, hilarity, and graciousness. In essence, a Trinitarian way of being a mother. People always talk about the work work work it is to be a mother. That's true. Isn't it also work to be a Christian? Work in the sense of bringing your carnal lusts and nature into submission and purity before God.

I see it as the same way with motherhood. A mother should be full of the joy of the Lord, eager to learn (always learning!), and to show her children an enthusiasm for learning, a playful outlook on most of life. Nancy Wilson's book Praise Her in the Gates is full of the feeling of joy and interest in life, especially when it comes to giving the kids an occupation in the home (a chore or daily task), and when it comes to mothers keeping their chins up about all the work. She talks about one time when she had the kids in bed and there was a pile of dishes. It felt and looked so mundane that she asked the Lord, "Isn't there some great mission or work I'm supposed to do?" and realized that her answer was right there in the sink. The dishes were her mission for that moment, and to do it cheerfully would nicely seal the deal.

So. Before one can be a mother, one needs to be a woman of the Word (as Mrs. Wilson has often said), i.e. faithful in her Christian faith/walk. The Word needs to be read, daily! Prayers need to be made to God, daily! Confession of sin needs to be made, right away!

I hope that God will give me the grace to be consistent in these things, and that as a result I will be the sort of fun, cheerful, joyful, gracious mother that will create a loving, warm, gloriously Trinitarian atmosphere for my children to wallow in. Just like Mom did. And like Emily is doing!

Thanks for listening to my pep talk to myself. :)
